2016 Dried Flower Spending

2016 Dried Flower Spending

This post summarizes 2016 dried flower purchases, examining price, mass, and source from various perspectives.

Pancakenap acquired a medical prescription in February 2016, transitioning from obtaining cannabis through a friend with access to a BC dispensary. With a monthly allowance of 90 grams, the anticipation for novel releases remained, as around 80% of the prescription was consistently utilized.

Total Purchase Stats

Purchases Of Dried Flower From Any Market

Mass Purchased

In 2016, I purchased 847.5 g of cannabis, which is approximately 1.9 pounds or 29.9 ounces. Over the year, that’s approximately 2.3 grams per day.

Average Price Per Gram

Over the total mass purchased I paid an average of $8.60 per gram.

Total Spent

Over the year I spent $7289.75 or $607.48 per month, or $19.96 per day.

Amount Reviewed

All purchases in 2016 were made by pancakenap.

Provinces Purchased

All of the cannabis we could attribute an origin to was sourced from BC.

Monthly Spending

On average monthly expenditure trended from $700 per month to low $600 per month.

Cumulative Spending

No data was logged for January 2016 but regular purchases were made every subsequent month in 2016.

Number Of Purchases Per Month

On average monthly purchases trended from 13 to 11 products per month.

Mass Of Cannabis Purchased

On average the mass of cannabis purchased remained around 75g per month.

Average Price Per Gram Paid By Month

The trend in monthly average price per gram remained above $8 per gram throughout the year.

Average Price Per Gram Paid By Package Size

Dry flower cannabis was purchased in different sizes: 3.5g, 1g, 14g, 5g, 10g, and 7g packages of flower. Prices ranged from $10.86 to $10.17 to $9.02 to $8.58 to $8.58 to $7.70 per gram (respective)

Minimum And Maximum Price By Package Size

For a 1 g package, the price ranged from $9 to $11, reflecting a percentage variance of approximately 22.22%.

The price for a 3.5 g package remained the same at $38.

A 5 g package of flower ranged from $30 to $75, showing a percentage variance of approximately 150%.

For a quarter ounce or 7 g package, the price ranged from $50 to $70, resulting in a percentage variance of approximately 40%.

A 10 g package ranged from $80 to $110, with a percentage variance of approximately 37.5%.

The price range for a half-ounce package of cannabis was from $125 to $130, indicating a percentage variance of approximately 4%.

Share Of Total Cost By Package Size

The most frequently purchased package size were 5 g packages of cannabis from medical suppliers. The second-largest share of the total cost by package size came from the 10 g packages, constituting nearly 20% of the expenditure.

Monthly Expenditure By Package Size

Purchases by Brand

Brands reviewed ranged from medical brands and legacy brands. Unknown brands or product without a brand have been excluded from this view.

Purchases By Producer

A large amount of producers in the legacy market were unknown. Medical cannabis was sourced directly from the producer.

Products Purchased By House Name

Some dried flower products were sold under a 'house' name other than the cultivar name given by the breeder. Here expenditure is shown by the product name given by the producer.

Products Purchased By Cultivar Name

Here we've shown expenditure by the actual name of the cultivar. Purchases where we could not find the actual cultivar name have been omitted.

Stores We Bought From

Vendors shown by expenditure.

Market Of Origin

Markets where the cannabis was sourced shown by expenditure.

Medical Cannabis

Purchases Of Dried Flower Products Through Canada's ACMPR

Mass Purchased

Most (83%) of the 847.5 g of cannabis I purchased was purchased from the medical market. I purchased 705 g of cannabis through medical providers, which is approximately 1.555 pounds or 24.85 ounces. Over the year, that’s approximately 1.93 grams per day.

Average Price Per Gram

Over the total mass purchased from the medical market I paid an average of $8.58 per gram.

Total Spent

Over the year I spent approximately $504.06 per month or $16.56 per day.

Provinces Purchased

All of the cannabis we could attribute an origin to was sourced from BC.

Monthly Spending

On average monthly expenditure average around $500 per month.

Cumulative Spending

No data was logged for January 2016 but regular purchases were made every subsequent month in 2016.

Number Of Purchases Per Month

On average monthly purchases trended from 11 to 10 products per month.

Mass Of Cannabis Purchased

On average the mass of cannabis purchased remained around 60g per month.

Average Price Per Gram Paid By Month

The trend in monthly average price per gram remained at $8 per gram throughout the year.

Average Price Per Gram Paid By Package Size

Dry flower cannabis was purchased in 5g and 10g packages. Bulk products (or discounts) were not available from medical providers at that time. Average price per gram was $8.58 for both package sizes.

Minimum And Maximum Price By Package Size

A 5 g package of flower ranged from $30 to $75, showing a percentage variance of approximately 150%.

A 10 g package ranged from $80 to $110, with a percentage variance of approximately 37.5%.

Share Of Total Cost By Package Size

A little more than 75% of the packages purchased were five-gram packages, which was the lowest amount typically available from a medical provider. No bulk discount was typically offered. Ten-gram packages were only purchased when the product was in limited supply or available solely in that size.

Monthly Expenditure By Package Size

Purchases by Producer

The first medical provider used was Aurora, followed by Tilray and Broken Coast. CannaFarms was used to order one shipment of dried flower and one shipment of live plants.

Products Purchased By House Name

Master Kush appeared to be my favorite medical offering in 2016. It was available from Tilray and Broken Coast.

Products Purchased By Cultivar Name

Pink Kush was offered by Tilray and Broken Coast. When breaking down my purchases by cultivar name only, that was my most frequently purchased cultivar, followed by the CBD-dominant Cannatonic, which I bought from Aurora, Tilray and CannaFarms.

Stores We Bought From

Vendors shown by expenditure. Again, medical cannabis was purchased directly from the producer.

Legacy Cannabis

Purchases Of Dried Flower Products Through Canada's Legacy Market

Mass Purchased

About 15% of the total mass of cannabis purchased in 2016 was obtained from legacy mail order stores.

Average Price Per Gram

The average price per gram over all purchases was slightly higher than the average from the medical market.

Total Spent

In total $1241 was spent, or $103.42 per month, or $3.40 per day.

Provinces Purchased

All cannabis that a source could be attributed to was sourced from BC.

Monthly Spending

There was a decreasing trend from $175 to $125 per month in 2016.

Cumulative Spending

Cannabis was purchased from the legacy market 9 out of the 12 months of 2016.

Number Of Purchases Per Month

On average, 2-3 products were purchased from the legacy market in 2016.

Mass Of Cannabis Purchased

On average just under 20 grams of cannabis was being sourced per month.

Average Price Per Gram Paid By Month

Monthly expenditure was around $8 per gram on average.

Average Price Per Gram Paid By Package Size

Package sizes purchased for 3.5g 1g 14g and 7g. Average prices were $10.86, $10.17, $9.02, and $7.70 respectively

Minimum And Maximum Price By Package Size

For 1 g packages, the minimum price paid was nine dollars, and the maximum price paid was $11, resulting in a percentage variance of approximately 22.22%. For 3.5 g packages, the static average was $38. For 7 g packages, the minimum paid was $50, and the maximum paid was $70, showing a percentage variance of 40%. For half-ounce or 14 g packages, the minimum paid was $125, and the maximum paid was $130, resulting in a percentage variance of 4%.

Share Of Total Cost By Package Size

Nearly 80% of purchases were for a quarter ounce or above, 40% were for a half ounce, and 3.5 g packages accounted for 15% of the total expenditure.

Monthly Expenditure By Package Size

Brands Reviewed

Most purchases were unbranded. The two brands encountered during this time were Beard Brothers and KLRGLD.

Cultivars Purchased

Moby Dick, Blue Dream, Bubba Kush, and Master Kush were purchased in equal amounts.

Stores Used

Two stores were used during 2016.

Thanks for reading!