Melinda's Ghost Pepper Black Truffle Hot Sauce

Hey, thanks for joining me for my second hot sauce review. This one is Melinda's Ghost Pepper Black Truffle Hot Sauce, and it’s more of a condiment than a sauce.
Put another way, it’s better to dip into rather than dress a sandwich with, because the taste can overpower the dish. But for French fries, pizza crust, and similar foods, it’s very good.

It’s also no slouch heat-wise. You can overdo it pretty easily, but it doesn’t bring the intense heat level of other ghost pepper sauces, making it a good starting point if you’re just dipping your toe into spicier sauces. I don’t bring this one out as often as my partner, who doesn’t like hotter sauces as much, so she tends to use it more than I do.
Melinda’s Ghost Pepper Black Truffle Hot Sauce offers good flavor, but let’s be real: I mostly mix it with mayonnaise or use it straight on pizza crust, which is different from how I typically use hot sauces. It doesn’t blend into the mixture of flavours in the dish; it’s more of an additive. That’s why my rating is on the low side.
I rated it 3/10—nearly 50% less than other hot sauces I’ve reviewed in the past year. However, I did find the price appealing. The bottle is 355 mL, about double the size of most of my purchases, and the price per mL of hot sauce follows the same trend. It’s just over 50% cheaper than average.